David Rahn is a pastor, social worker, and writer in Michigan.

YOu can reach Dave using the form on the Contact page. 


Meditation/prayer based on Mark 10: 13-16

Meditation/prayer based on Mark 10: 13-16

 Spirit of love and mercy

Who holds us close as all loving parents watch their children,

We come to you this morning with the concerns of the past week still dancing in our minds.  It has been a time of challenges, of misunderstandings and disappointments, as well as moments of personal joy and achievement.  For each day presents a new opportunity to find the right path, and to direct our thoughts and feelings back towards your eternal love.  In the midst of setbacks and obstacles in our day, we can find through your constant presence a reassurance that your light will continue to shine through the darkness of our world.

 For we find ourselves in a world of conflict and confusion, a time of uncertainty.  Events and those around us challenge the values that we have held close.  Those connected to power and control as dominant values in their lives cannot comprehend our love for all persons in Your Sacred Name.  We struggle to teach our children and grandchildren to share and be kind to their friends, and send them out into a world that takes advantage of vulnerability, and mocks those who are sensitive to the needs of others.  In our work, and our times of enjoyment with our friends, we live hour to hour by Your grace and peace, sharing the love of your Son in his ministry with us.  And so it is through our faith in Your abiding love that we are able to be faithful witnesses of the miracles that are possible in You.

 Help us we pray to be better stewards of all that you have provided us.  Give us the courage to live a life of faith in a time of conflict and despair.  Help us to love one another, those who are our neighbors, those who live far away, that in these relationships we might learn and grow.  Especially help us to listen to the words of Your Son, Jesus, who in his life with us has shown us how to live.  For he taught us to love little children, and to see the kingdom of God in their eyes.  We ask that you be with us, that you help and sustain us, and give us strength to live another day in testimony to you.  For we ask this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen

Meditation/prayer for October 14, 2018. Based on Lectionary reading Mark 10:17-31

Meditation/prayer for October 14, 2018. Based on Lectionary reading Mark 10:17-31

Meditation/prayer based on Ephesians 2:1-10

Meditation/prayer based on Ephesians 2:1-10