Giver of this sacred season,
The great light of hope for the darkness of this world,
We come to you in meditation and worship, returning to that moment in history when your Son came to be with us.
We hear again the Gospel story, of the singing of angels proclaiming to lowly shepherds that you are indeed present with us. Connecting to that event from so long ago, we find You once again in the joy of the angels’ singing. “Joy to the world, the Lord is come,” we hear the echo of that refrain coming down to us through centuries of faith. We find ourselves lifted up one again in the celebration of history.
Celebrating the mystery of Your Son’s birth among us we hear intently the words that He left us over the course of his ministry. We read also of his ministry, his call to each of us to help our neighbor. These may be those who are in despair, those who are experiencing of illness. They can include those who are facing the challenges of poverty, or simply keeping up with paying their expenses. And there are so many around us who are feeling isolated or alone. We hear of these people here in the congregation, those around us in our neighborhoods and community, and we remember Your call to share your love with all persons. Help us share the love of this season with those least able to find their way towards You.
And so this Christmas Eve we share in the love of friends and family, celebrating the joy of anticipation, sharing the love of this season in Your Name. We ask that You be with us this special time, as we share Your Peace and Love with all your children.
For We ask this in the name of Your Son, the Christ Child, who comes to save us. Amen.