David Rahn is a pastor, social worker, and writer in Michigan.

YOu can reach Dave using the form on the Contact page. 


First Sunday of Lent based on Lectionary reading for March 10, 2019, James 2:14-18

Eternal Spirit

We enter into your sanctuary in adoration and praise for the wonders you have done.  For you are the Creator of the beauty of the world we live in, the harmony of the sun and moon and stars, the joy of living according to your laws.

We sing your praise in worship as we begin this season of Lent, walking in the footsteps of your Son’s final journey of his ministry on earth. We see your divine hand In the His work, in His parables and teachings, in the miracles He performed, and in His sacrifice upon the Cross.

We are your people, the sheep of your pasture. From the work of your Son, our Great Shepherd, we learn to truly love one another.  In his boundless love for each of us, your children, He gave his life for us. And so we are called this morning to fashion our lives after Him, to care for one another, to share each other’s burdens, to hold each other close in times of trouble or distress. 

We are to not only pray for one another. and share a blessing with those in need. More than this, we are to help each other in responding to their needs. We are called to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, provide shelter to the homeless, and visit those in need of your reassurance.

And as we do these things, these acts of love given in your Name, we find ourselves at peace in a troubled world. For we know that our work in His Name brings us in union with your Creation, that we become messengers of grace to those in need.

We ask that you continue to be with us as we direct our lives towards you. For we ask this all in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

March 17, 2019 Second Sunday in Lent based on

Ash Wednesday 2019 based on Lectionary reading Mt. 6:1-6